sO lonG no sEe liaO dUno thEY loOK hoW lE
we WEnt To MV..
aRouNd 12.30 WE mEet AT mCd THn WAtCH moVIe "I Love You Beth Cooper"
vRY gAo xiAo dE lo..
My fren n i lINe UP buy tIckeT Ma..
THn i BUy buY buy TIl sO shuAng,THn mY freN taKe ouT her WAllET
We jI rAn USE SAmE WALlET leh!
gOt mo qi a..saMe tASte.. hEHe ^^
thEn wHen eNter the cineMa,thE scrEen sHow 18SX..
OMG !! 0.0
xIa sI wo lEh!
I Oso dIN noe iS aboVe 18 GEH shoW..
buT nvm,meaNs mY loOK vRY maTURe lA
aHahAha xD
hMM..thN we weNt foR bowLIng..
mY bowLing skILl rilI sucKs ler..
mY freN teaCh mE til no saLIvA liaO,i stIL dunO hoW to thRow the bAll..
So HEAvy dE leh!!
I caNT holD up lE >.<
aT the beGinNing likE yes liDAt,plAy tIL hiGHer than thEm gEH..
hoW noe plAy PlAy xIa,bEComE the loWEst lE
whUU ~ T.T
seE my scoRe jiU noE le
LJ - - 129 !!!
GG - - 72
IVAN - - 95
ANN - - 46!!! faIL a... T.T
thEn the guRLs GO toiLet TAke PIc
waKakA xD
my fAv aCTiviTY .. Hehe =P
i dIn uploAD aL l ler..
tOo maNy lE..lAZy ..
a n n @ 26.08.09
janessa,li jian.michelle,eva,ann
aFt boWlinG we jAlaN jaLan thN go liTtlE TAiwaN chIt chAT n eAt aGAin..
xIXi.. ^^
dUNo ok anoT..
hehE ^^
sHe sO taLl lEh!!
i tIP toE stil ShortER thaN her gEH
wHuU whUu~ Sob..
lASt GRoup piC : janessa,li jian,michelle,eva,ann
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
- - [25.08.09]
mY faMIly & i brOUghT an inDonesIan couPLe arOUnd KL
fiRST we picK theM frOM tHe graNd miLleniUm hOtel
thEn bRouGHt THEm tO bkT binTanG & pAViliOn
THe guY so cUTe dE lEh..
THe guY so cUTe dE lEh..
Kip takinG pic DE..
pAiseH tim
The colOUr wILl chAnge de..
i waIt lE so lonG foR the pINK lEh..
thEn mUst 55 taKe lE
tAts y dIs piC noT sO nicE lU
hEHe ^^
in THe cAR tOO siEn lE..
taKE PIc piC ^^
thIs iS the hOteL resTroOM ..
vERy NIce lEh..
GOt soFa & coFfeE tablE dE..
n A vRy vRY biG MIrROr..Hehe^^ mY FreN~
taKe piC whilE w8inG foR the COUplE comE doWN
thAt daY ok Ler~
Altho no fREnz,BUt sUmtIMes ouT spEnd tIMe wt FamilY oSo guD de..
Hehe =p
lOve mY faMILy
- - E N D
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