Tdy is the sweet marriage of two ppl..
Gary Tan & Chu bEe sIn
In thE morNinG i aTtendED thEir eXchaNge oF voWS
thEY sERve lUnch BUt THE fooD sUPer YUckS de LA..
thE diINer FooD is THe BESt ^^
i gEt aNg pAu lEh!
The brIde sO funi lA..
She WraP xtra ang PAu sO gv mE two aNg paU o..
HehE ^^
haPI La mE
i FEll ASleEp thERe nERh..
So tiRED @_@
THen weNt tO fetCH jie Frm MONt kIAra
Aft taT jiU hOMe LO..
hehe ^^
i sLeeP for 30miN thn Mz WAke uP PrePAre foR the dINNer lE..
arOUNd 5pm Me jiE n mUMMy weT to dO our haIR..
Then ruSh bK chAnge N hEAd fOr THE resTAuraNT
at 1St quiTe boRed dE
buT theN i mEt a nEW fREn cAllED Yi Wen
She Is 21 Years olD
stUdy aT UTAR,Kampar
i WEnT to hER uni B4 LEh
LASt tIMe dUrinG caMP Ntg TO Do JIU Go visIT xiA lo
hEHe ^^
we SinG JOliN de Shuo aI ni 2GTr
THen we xchAnge MSn n Hp NUM
sHE say nEx timE shE copmE to KL muST gO sinG K 2Gtr lA
me & beloved sis
she looks so pretty 2nite =)
I SAng WT mum Colours Of The Wind & I Love You Baby
she looks so pretty 2nite =)
my new fren
I SAng WT mum Colours Of The Wind & I Love You Baby
With Jie Uptown Girl
THe KaraOke So chA la
I waN dE sonG all dUN hv o
YER.. SUCks >.<
aNYWAy,iT was Fun ^^
Alot OF uncLE aunTY sinG Song NERh
noT Bad THeIR voICE
THe fOOd oSO vry nicE La..
N the sUAsanA vry SYok
THeN At aROUnd 11.30pm WE saN biaN Lu
xIXi ^^
waNA reMOve the hair atuff n SHower lo
Congrats To The Two nEwly WEds la
Wish U twO haPPinEss & pRosperITy & mANy BAby
hEHe ^^
GOd Bless
- - E N D
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