Wednesday, December 23, 2009


[ 23.12.09 ]

went for interview with principal of sri sempurna tdy
woke up late ><>
reach there around 10am
but i oni saw the headmaster at around 10.45am
lol rite?..waited long..but worth it ^^
Mr.Tan said many relevant thigns
ask me : "y do u wan2 change to dis skul?" the car i keep on practising wt mummy wat to say when he ask me dis Q
but tat time,rite there at tat moment,all the scripts disappeared frm my head
i asked myself rite there..y DO i wana transfer skuls?
is it rili cz of the teachers?
the ppl?
the environment?
or is it JUST ME?
real dileama now..

i rili wan2 improve my academics
cz i noe im not doin at the lvl i should be
yet at the same time my heart is doubtful since my mum mention the PRICE to my dad
the fees r not cheap..
my parents can afford if i rili wan it..but i stil dunwana waste their money n effort..
n let them down..
one vest ald rm50..full skul U nid tailor oso rm130
sumor the skul wants min 2 skul U
entrance fee+deposit edi 3k +
oni first semester..
haie....God help me,anser my prayers..
rili hope i make the right choice,for the best of me n best of others

- - E N D


fOur bOyfrIenDs -- a sImplE thiNG we AlwaYS forgET in LifE

Once upon a time there
was a girl who had four boyfriends.

> She loved the fourth boyfriend the most and adorned him
> with rich robes and treated him to the finest of delicacies.
> She gave him nothing but the best.

> She also loved the third boyfriend very much and was always
> showing him off to neighboring kingdoms. However, she feared
> that one day he would leave her for another.

> She also loved her second boyfriend. He was her confidant
> and was always kind, considerate and patient with her.
> Whenever this girl faced a problem, she could confide in
> him, and he would help her get through the difficult times.

> The girl's first
> boyfriend was a very loyal partner and had made great
> contributions in maintaining her wealth and kingdom.
> However, she did not love the first boyfriend although he
> loved her deeply, she hardly took notice of
> him!

> One day, the girl fell ill and she knew her time was short.
> She thought of her luxurious life and wondered, 'I now
> have four boyfriends with me, but when I die, will
> I be a alone.'

> Thus, she asked the fourth boyfriend, 'I loved you the
> most, endowed you with the finest clothing and showered
> great care over you. Now that I'm dying, will you follow
> me and keep me company?
> 'No way!',
> replied the fourth boyfriend, and he walked away without
> another word. His answer cut like a sharp knife right
> into her heart.

> The sad girl then asked the third boyfriend, 'I loved
> you all my life. Now that I'm dying, will you follow me
> and keep me company?'
> 'No!',
> replied the third boyfriend. 'Life is too good! When you
> die, I'm going to marry someone else!' Her heart
> sank and turned cold

> She then asked the second boyfriend, 'I have always
> turned to you for help and you've always been there for
> me.. When I die, will you follow me and keep me
> company?'

'I'm sorry, I can't help you out this
time!', replied the second boyfriend. 'At the very
most, I can only walk with you to your grave.' His
answer struck her like a bolt of lightning, and the girl was

Then a voice called out:
'I'll go with you. I'll follow you no matter
where you go.. ' The girl looked up, and there was her
first boyfriend. He was very skinny as he suffered from
malnutrition and neglect.

Greatly grieved, the girl said, 'I should have taken
much better care of you when I had the chance!'

you have four boyfriends in your
Your fourth
boyfriend is your body. No matter how much time
and effort you lavish in making it look good, it will leave
you when you die.

--Your third
boyfriend is your possessions, status and
wealth.When you die, it will all go to others..

-- Your second
boyfriend is
your family and friends. No matter
how much they have been there for you, the furthest they can
stay by you is up to the grave.

-- And
your first boyfriend is your spirit. Often neglected in
pursuit of wealth, power and pleasures of the

However, your spirit is the only thing that will follow you
where ever you go.
Cultivate, strengthen and cherish it now,
for it is the only part of you that will follow you to the
throne of God and continue with you throughout

happy doesn't mean everything's perfect.

It means you've decided to see beyond the

- - E N D


Monday, December 21, 2009

mY [L] [i] [f] [E] on 20/12 - 23/12

[ 20/12 - 21/12 ]

after church,went straight to genting
super cold dis time
duno wat happen to the climate
suddenly so freezing cold..
wore short pants the first day
dying of
reach awana,check in,go down the korean restaurant eat..
then go up to first world..
met relatives..n took pics..bought snacks for nite time to munch ^^
went bk to
thn around 3 4am,sleep...

2nd day
went for breakfast thn to theme park
after i bought the tickets,regina suddenly call me say she is coming to genting oso
hehe ^^
then when im at the themepark,i saw ivan ng qiao..
then around 6.30pm i drive down bk to kl
was a fun trip
but nex time i duwan wear shorts le T.T
damn cold
too bad cant meet regina cz she was at indoor themepark,im outdoor..
bt nvm chance de
hehe ^^

sOMe pIc tO viEw ~

iVan nG..mEet hIm aT theMeparK =)

nIcolE -- mY couSin sIs

aNn@cAr jOurnEy

nIce lOllIpop bY thE cloWn

mE & eRn

i lOve tHe vIew

kImbeRly n nIcloE

oN the pirAte sHip

oN thE carOUsoLE

mY beloVed mOm

hE is jiAn miNG
mY brO ^^

aNn @ 20/12/09

lately chat alot wt keatkeat
noe more things about him
n he vry cute la !
hehe ^^
wun ps de him..n lik to make funi face make me laugh all the


lately oso got some probs...
relationship prob..
n education prob..
im rili facing dilema between which school i should go to nex year
i dunwana waste my parents money sending me to private skul yet my results r stil the same
but on the same time,i noe goin to sempurna wil be better 4me academic wise..
hmm..i nid some advise n help... ><
praying evryday for God's guidance..hope i wun make the wrong choice

- - E N D


Eternity musical

[ 19/12/09 ]

finally the day of Eternity is here
after months of practise,its the day to SHOW
ytd was full dress rehearsal@ PGRM
our first time for dis musical at pgrm stage
quite ok de.. the couple dance i practise le vry long time oni can so perfect hehe
vry proud of myself n my partner =)

11am reach PGRM
hang around til 11+ 12 oni evryone reach
then v start to rehears
not bad la
cz all oso shou le..ytd do b4
then go change liao..n make lunch..
n of cz my fav -- take pic ^^
the english musical start at 3pm..
chinese at 7.30pm
so in between the break v jz hang aorund n practise n touch up our make up

thanks to regina for helpiong me make up for 2nd round chinese session..^^
vry nice..i like it..too bad no time to change maii hair style

here are some pics:

eLWin iN His nERD lOok

lEnglUi reGinA & mE ^^

MaE CHan -- OuR CHoREOgrAPheR

ShE !S My QB jAniCe lEe x)

aH keoNG..chUan..Ann..fAtt..
tHX foR ComiNG To SUPpORT mE =)

dIs poSe i pRActiSE vry LONg n sUper mAny timES onI caN PerFEct..

hE lOok vRY lENgzaI in DIs jACkET ^^


aLl giRls DAncERs

gRoup PIc b4 perFormAncE

-- then the whole thing went on smoothly..
took group pic on stage..
came out on 21/12/09 de NAN YANG SHANG BAO ^^
was a great experience to work with such potential ppl..
learnt alot..n made many new relationships..
hopefully they will last forever =)
all glory be to God for making dis production a success
it has touched lives,saved souls,n brought ppl together
thx to MAE CHAN for being such a patient teacher n choreographer (GBU ^^)
n to the production director,andrew chou,music director,ENYA school of beauty make up artists,etc
u all hv made dis work wt all ur preserverence, determination n patience

19.12.09 SATURDAY
3-5PM / 7.30-9.30PM


- - E N D


A.P.Y.A.C conference

[ 10/12 - 12/12 ]

APYAC was awesome!
rili filled wt the presence of God
i bet evryone hu went for it was touched by the holy spirit
day 1
woke up at 5.15am..went back to sleep..woke up at 5.30 xD
got ready went to churh..took bus..reach GTPJ at around 6.50?
lol..i forgot dy
then gather for ushers meeting..
my team is in chrge of the PAROUSIA hall
greeting ppl..make them high n syok
but actually just me n my gang 38 at there
hmm..thn around 9.25 go into hall n the fun started x)
during our free time (4-7pm)
we walk to JAYA ONE mall..
ntg de..oni 1st floor got stuff to shop..thn elwin bring us to 16th floor..
its a company..thn dis guy walk out frmt he company n look at elwin lik vry ke lain him lidat...(he tot v r elwin's kids)
inthe end,v cross the road to McD,had lunch..some went to subway..
thn went bk to GT..

i woke up late..8.23am!!!
suppose to be at GT ald..
mum drive me there..
got lost..
jeremy oni anser call
the rest all duno die go where liao (kidding)
got there around 10++ >.<
tdy free time was spent at the GT cafe
had some talk wt evryone there..
elwin share about some stuff..
fun day
alot siao thing happen
but lazy type

abit sad evrytgs gona end
but hapi that i learn alot n know more bout christ
glad that im hving the life i hv
thk God for my my evrytg =)

some pics here .. enjoy ^^ :

cHERyl & mE @ APYAC day1


oUr vRy perASan cg leADer
eLwin tOo

THaT DonkEY MakE chrIStinE scARed TIL hIDE aT a COrnER

HolY MOthER elWin x)

THey tRYing tO MakE klcc
bUT obvIOUslY theY FAIL

wAn er..chEryL..sAraH..aNn..chRistINe

aS usuAL..slEEpinG~~

i piTY the flOwer..

mY New Car
waD u tinK ? ^^

lAst grOUp piC b4 eNd oF APYAC
wOoo!! F4CG roCks!! ^^

but camp is better cz can overnite
lukin 4ward to it nex yesar!

- - E N D
