Thursday, July 30, 2009

[ Trust . . Honesty ]

These two days, something happened in my life. .
This incident made me realise something that i never thought of before..
in life,ppl just live their evrydays wt the same "routines" n nvr evr spend time to stop n take a look at wats happening around them..
suddenly,v find ourselves in the middle of regret for those wrong choices, mistakes , lies & cheats v done..
a person once told me b4..
"Trust is the most important thing in a relationship."
but that person left out a rili important ting too - - HONESTY .
Trust in not taken. It is EARNED.
From my experience,lies & deceit will bring u no where.
seriously,NO WHERE, just to more troubles n bigger lies to cover up those small lies we made..
I am not perfect. No one is. But we should try our best to be our best.

- - Live Life

Dun let there be lies or cheats or deceive just to get out of trouble for that moment.
You can always fool others. But u can never fool urself.
The truth will always come to knowing some time or another.

- - END


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

To My [ Dearest Blog ] & exams r over!

To My Dearest Blog

im nvr changing u again
nvr evr
i love u so much bloggie
im nvr leaving u again
herher T.T

- - just now i itchy hand wana change my blog layout..
i preview all those layouts,finally found one tat i love
then i vry hard oni get it to work
i spend le almost 2hours leh!!
so got heart to do it..
but how noe after i succeed,the result is not nice geh..
dun lik it..
so wan change bk to my normal layout
dis is when bad ting happened ><
my whole blog TOTALLY GONE leh!!!
aikzzz ><
rili scare die me leh! i try try try..but cnt get it back nerh

including my cbox,pics n evrytg!!! just left my posts oni...
whuu whuu~
rili heart break like crazy weh~
then leh,i get password frm my fren..create new cbox..
Thanks chuan n jeremy
then wen im typing typing typing,MIRACLE happen leh!
My blog come back le!!!
Weee! ^^
so hapi leh me...
God bless me leh
xixi ^^

- - Bloggie,i swear never to change u again(unless if i hv profesional guidance).
I love eu bloggie!
sorry for making u missing u jz now
n thx my two frenz..
u all help me alot leh
altho i din use it in the end,but u all stil help me.. xixi^^
thx thx lu ~ =)

- - Today last day of monthly test
so hard leh the chemi n bio paper
i do til fall asleep xp
so sleepy leh when i read the question paper
eyes wana close liao
burn midnite oil is lik dis de la..
anyway,evrytgs ovr.
jz hoping for gud results now
study lik mad weh~
now i just hv to focus on the farewell , outing & gathering..
jia you jia you! ^^

-- END


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

[[ S.T.A.Y. O.U.T ! ! ! ]]

suDdenlY camE to mE that i hAve suCH greAT freNz..
n i duNO y i jUst siGHed..
fEel likE it guA..
swt myselF =="
anyWAy,mY bloG keEP on kEna atTAck bY uNwanteD ppl ><
plEase,..whoEver u r,iF u dUN like mY bloG,thEn dUN vieW it
uR rilI a sOre siGHt foR the eyES u noE?
if u hAve ntg gud tO say,thEn plS dun SAy anYtg.
Nbd wIl saY ur Dumb
lASt waRninG Here S.T.A.Y. O.U.T
if u dunO waT that woRD meaNs then gO look up thE dictIONarY
maKE somE use Of urseLf
noT just scOLd foUL languAges
iTs sO rude n mAke pPl loOk doWn on u
nTG to saY then SCold bad woRd
waT kind oF attiTUde iS dis?
Go bAck tO ur owN worLd.dUN conTaminAte mINe

~ ~ I LOvE all mY frenz
tHX 4 bEing THEre foR me When i niD u moST
LOve U all ! !
God blEsS u aLl infINty tIMes ^^
thAnkx AGAin

== aNn ==

Thursday, July 16, 2009

wEirD peoPle

y iS diS worLd sO complICated?
diS gurL,sHe haS ntg tO do wT us,n v hV ntG to dO wt hER.
bUT leh,sHe hiU is Ass itChy,gO bUat kacAu ><
mY freN waLKinG iN skUL Oso keNa 'atTack'
tHe guRL lEh jUSt pAsS by my freN thN saY somE chilDish TINgS..(cONtenT duniD say ouT bA?..)
aLthO is noT saYing hER nAMe,N=But obvIOUslY is saYIng mY freN Lo!
sUPer bU shuaNG Leh
bUT my freN saY jz LEAve hER be
dUNid teLl taT gurL de Bro
tAT is hER choiCE,i jz caN respECt lo~

sAt iS yt sINginG comp Le
wISh u GUD lucK o ^^
aLl dA beST for IT
hehE ^^

sRy gAls..
Bon onDorI i riLI dun FeeL LikE goinG Nerh..
nEX timE bA
U o hV fun LO
taKE pic 4Me tO seE oO


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

mY weEkenD

-- cAme bAcK frOm seREmBan oN sUndaY
sO tiRed tIL moNdaY cnT waKe UP dIN gO skuL
dUN go bETteR nAhs..
IF noT yoU gv Sum Ppl nGAm lE
xiXI ^^
Miss aLl mY baBes N DarLIn FREnZ
WAitiNg to sEe u All TMr
hV a GUd NIte sLp
loVE ya ^^

-- mY spECiaL suMboDy feLl asLeeP dy..
So GUd hE PuII me tIL miDNItE Leh..
alTHHO hE himSElF Is VRY tiRED..
THx O..
aPPreCIatE it..
hv a GUd REst..
U OsO whOLe daY lE wILL tiRED dE
niTES lo
SWeeT DreaMS
lOve YA & thaNKs agaIn
1St tIMe I wriTe aBOUt U lEH..
KakAX ^^
haPI Ba?
im goNa rePeaT My guD9's TIL moRNIng iF i dUN stOP noW(onlY He NOe WAt I MeaN)
sO guD9^^
loVE u lOts!

-- by onenonlyann

Friday, July 10, 2009

pLEase dUn stARt agaIN ~

~~iTS finAllY ovER..
bUt pOor buGY..
shE haS to sAy soRry fOr suMtg sHe dIn dO aT All..
sEK seK faN bugY..
duN tOo sAD nAhs..
at lEast V duN hv tO meNTioN diS mATtER eVr aGAin..
cHEer uP yeA =)
im hEre 4 eU ^^
hoPe tAT nTG wiL hapPen anYMore..

~~to thE peRSon iNvolVed : buGy alD saY srY niCEly tO u lE..plS duN lEt THerE Be anYmorE iSsueS liaO..deAl? v oSo wUN dO tinGS taT sHUdn bE donE le..hOpe diS is oUR unDerstAndiNg~ pEAce

~~ i wana stAY in kL T.T ...i dunWAna gO to seRembAn..mUMMy..lEt mE staY pls..hER her~cRY..pRAy to gOd lET me stAY in KL..plS PLs plS.... T.T..hER her..hOPe evRYtg wIL be fiNe ba..HaIe....


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

[ 07.07.09 ] hYPer dAY of mY lifE

todAy gO skuL ~
afTEr thUMb prINt thEn cHEe SHen tELl mE taT buGY gv pPl scOLd..
i sO gaN jionG weN I Heard diS u noE? ><
LikE craZY gaL run gO Find hER~
weN i reaCh dATaraN intEGrasI therE,BUgy saY "iM HerE AnN"
AikX ><
YUaN LaI Is brEAD asK a ForM5 gaL ComE DistuRB buGY..
She SO Mad WEH Tat GURl~
i TINk iS cz BUGy sIS saId sUMtg rONg mAKe hER so mAD~
THe GURl aNGry DE saY "I CAlL MY PpL ComE.u kFul aBIt"
My daY sUrpRISE ME wt A vry INterEStinG start..
i wILl bE hyPER the WhOLe daY cz Of taT..
thEN bugY jusT MASuk DEWAn..
aFTEr tAT,She scOLd HER jie WEN GOinG BacK To clAss..

iN clAss THe 1St TINg I Did waS finD tAT dUCk ><
waSeh~RILi geK seI Me lEH~
He LIK dunO WAts gOIN on thn go SimpLy saY tinGS to BREAD,caUSE miSUNdrstANDINg..
then durINg 2nD perIOd,thE saME gurL cOMe tO ClasS fINd BUGy WEH~
kuA zhaNg MAn~
THen SHe N bugy N bbC At STaiRS der TAlk..
I 8GUa GO out TOILet .. hEHe ^^
theN cONcluSIOn iS,The GURl juST maD bugY siS so RUDe TAlk TO her DIs MORninG..
afTR xplAiniNG thEN ntg lE..
thE guRL osO Say TAT shE wun mASuk CAmpuR in DIs TINg dE..
onE is SetTLed..
lEFT ONe moRE(AcTUAllY is 3 in 1)..
aikX ><


gv xIN tinG ForcE to TAke FasHIon SHow fORm..
buY susHI eaT..
i SPenD my moNEy ON SusHI rilI gonA maKE Me poKAi lE .. T.T
whUu ~~
bUT nvm..
EAt TIL haPI theN CAn lE ^^
thE mosT imPORTanT tinG is Im HApi .. HehE xD
theN up TO clASs..


CLasS clASs cLASs..
lasT perIOd..
bREAd's TWo freN finD Me..
taLK taLK TAlk..
YUAn lAI they Duno ANytG DE..
All IS Bread TEll THEm gEH..
breAD kEEp chAnginG story EVry TIMe..
DUNo whOCH iS real NOW..
aikX ><
THen taLK finiSH,ConCLUsion Is AFT skUL seTTle..


finiSh sKUL 1.40pM...
go gUARD houSE..
bread dE reN yinG no WER to BE seEN..
CalL Her..dUN anSER..
2nD Time cALl..
waLAo A!
her TOnE rili Super Rude lO~
i ASK her NICElY "wer R U?"
ShE anSER bk "I m wer is UR busINEss MIeh NOW?"
THen wAT "WAna seTTle muST folo My timE settLE"
U R qUEEn?
EVRY1 MUst FOLo uR timE?
thEN v MSg hER say "itS now OR nevER"
BUt NO REsponD..
theN we OK lo..
dUN Let ME see U tmR WAit Wt UR bf AGAin lo..
thN we ConTINUe YAM cha lo..
KekEZ ^^
WAlk BK to SKUl..
BUT dUN k sO MucH..
shE is OUT of MY LIfe LIAo..
BUT yt dID sumTG taT makE me ITChy MOUth N join HER say..
rilI shuDN lidaT
BUt IS u sAY mY FREn 1St de
My freN Din 'rE' u,Y u waNA LidAT treaT her Leh?
so I Do bk To u IS Li sUo daNG ran DE..

aT maIN Road..
AlmoST gv CAR bANg ABt 3 TimES..
PeaK hui AR~rilI .. EYer..
gEK seI Me lE..
croSS haLF way GO N puLL my ARm n SHOUt at DER..
MakE Me sO gaN jionG..
aikX ><
thEN tzANg FENg aCC mE waIT for mUM aT 100 YEN..he treAT..
i FounD out ABt sUMtgs taT i dIDN noE b4..
thN mum COMe lE..
go HOMe lU~

Dis IS my SKUL liFE fOR tdy..
SO ManY tinGS rite?
i WONder IF its GUD or BAD..
But liFE jiu mUSt hv dis TIngs mA..
if NOT lifE wuD be sO Dull..
HEHe ^^ (miNG minG jiu aN wei SELf AT der. HahA xD)
aNywAy,dIS is [ 07.07.09] oF my liFE..
hopE tmR wun HV aNY dIStuRBinG Tings HAppEN..
i RILi sIEN Liao..
bB ^^


Saturday, July 4, 2009

[ rEpORt caRd daY ] >.<

todAy iS the dAte oF rePOrt cARD
aiKX >.<
mY ResulT ah...
cRY weH~ T.T
buT my aDdmathS rilI got imPRovE lA~
I RilI GOt stUDy foR it ...
hopE muM dun GEt heaRT attACk whEN tiNk oF my reSULt >.p

aFTER taKINg rePOrt carD Go lUNch..
thEN MeeT freNz aT mcD do sIVik pRojeCt
v rilI herO weh~
ovR duE til 3 wEeks
aikX ><
Sry mR.koK
whILe dOINg mY mum kEEp caLLinG asK Me waN waT DesiGn bED shEet..
THen mUMMy saY goT coW bed SheEt..
WEn i rePeaT WAt sHE saY,My FREn toT i saY coW biTCh SHIt
hAHa xD
LaUGh dIE mE le
sO Funi thEM..

v dO Do dO til arOUNd 2pm+
thEN chEe shEn sAY hiS Mum waN seE us
sO v waIT WAit waIT...
THen thEY one bY ONe gO Home...
juSt lEFt mE n him SIttING there...
u noE wat haPPen?
weN im taLKIng WT him aboUT somE priVate STUff,sUDdenLy gOT a RAT!!!!!
waSEh~ rILi scARE die mE Ler
wHuu~ T.T
i waNa shOUT ouT loyD de..
buT scAREd CS rUN awaY
sO JUst shouT sofTLy
cs laUGH til FACe reD lej
hAhax ^^
thEn v wait tIL arouND 2.30pm+
hiS bro reaCH dy
buT leh,.....
sUMtg haPPen..
n Vry srY to mE..
diS tinG i dUN saY ouT..
vRY paiseH

zhONg zHI tdY i taKE tek hoME..
thE teKSi fEe rISE liaO Leh
supER xpeNSivE..
i sIT tek oSO siT til POkaI Liao T.T
y mY lAo gONg cANt lIK mY fren lIDat..
EVry moNTh gV allOwaNCe..
hMm..thEM Is THEm..v Is v bA..
DifrEn styLe^^
bUT i stIL lOvE him lOTS
heHE ^^
bAck homE theN ON9 lU..
chAT chat wt bABe buGY..
The conTEnt iS top SEcret sO CAnt teLl heRE lu~ ^^
taTS all lA~
Tdy mY Mo0D is HAPPY
